Monday, September 13, 2010

My Struggles

    As a child, I was always known as "chubbs," "fatty," or "fatass." It wasn't easy growing up being known as the fat kid. It was always hard shopping for clothes that would fit, meanwhile my sisters had it easy buying whatever they wanted. As high school neared and I got into sports, I ate less, ran and worked out more... It was great... It got even better in college, went to a vegetarian college, ate even less and ran and worked out even more... However it all ended too quickly...
    I eventually graduated, went through a bad breakup and well, let myself go... ate and drank away my sorrows. For a girl who never drank, I took my first shots of 151 and let it burn going down, eating anything that was in my path. Two years later and 30 pounds heavier, I decided to pick up running again. Running away my stress and sorrows instead of eating, I was able to get myself back to my healthy weight of 125. Things were going great until I fell in love.
   It didn't take long but love sure do pack on the weight. Marital bliss aint no lie and here I am struggling with my weight again. For some reason, things didn't seem right. I was tired often, having a harder time breathing with activities and just not comfortable in my skin. All my clothes were getting so tight and my ability to do basic activities of bending down to pick something off the floor was a challenge. This was when I realize, I need to really take care of myself and get back into shape!!!
   In the last two years, I got diagnosed with NASH and HTN. Its been hard, knowing that all of this happened in relations to my weight. It has been such a struggle trying to keep the weight off but really I had no motivation until now. I am tired of taking my pills and I am tired of being so damn tired. I am tired of being called fat and I am tired of not being able to do much without huffing and puffing. So I stepped on the scale today and I was a WHOOPING 160 pounds!!! The heaviest in my life! I almost cried.. It was so depressing... So I went online, found a great motivating workout tutorial and huffed and puffed away for 20 minutes straight. Then I realize, I really need to do this. I am only 25 years old, why am I letting myself go like this? I want to live another 80 years and I want to enjoy every moment of it!!! I am going to do this. So starting today September 13, 2010, I am going to do daily 20-30 minute workouts, watch what I eat and blog my struggles. Its going to be a tough road a head of me, but I really need to do this for my self. If I don't do it, no one will!

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